Join Us!

We are always happy to welcome new members to every section of the choir and while auditions are generally required after a trial period of a few weeks, they are quite informal and are usually in a group of new and established members to make the process as pleasant as possible! It is more important for us that members have a love of music and singing, plus a willingness to learn a wide variety of music from simple to quite challenging.

Rehearsals take place from 7.30pm to 9.15pm on Thursday evenings at the Isle of Wight United Reformed Church, Upton Road (on the corner of Corbett Road,) Haylands, Ryde, Isle of Wight PO33 3LE. Parking is limited but there is parking in surrounding streets. We suggest that parking for cars (up to 15) in the car park be left available for those with mobility issues.

If you’re interested in joining, why not drop in on one of our rehearsals? Contact us here first to arrange the details, and so we can be sure to greet you when you arrive. We look forward to meeting you!

Here’s a map: